Smart Love

Make your child a better person with smart love : A Child Is a Child Learn to see the world through your child's eyes…

Keep smile ....

Believe it or not, YOU are the one that decides whether or not to be happy.  No matter how much we have to deal with in t…

Menjaga Kesehatan Ginjal

Orang yang fungsi ginjalnya sudah tidak normal akibat suatu penyakit memiliki ketentuan tersendiri dalam mengasup cairan. P…

Principles of Leadership

To help you be, know, and do, follow these eleven principles of leadership (U.S. Army, 1983). Note that later chapters in…

Manfaat Serat untuk kesehatan

Ada banyak alasan mengapa harus mengkonsumsi serat dalam makanan sehari-sehari. Selain mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol ju…

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